Monday, March 7, 2016

Bernie, Bros, and Bullies

Bernie Sanders bothers me to my core. And I don't know why. I wish I could encapsulate this feeling of bothersome in a tweet, hashtag, or meme that would be easily digestible to the fast food culture of America but I can't and that bothers me too.
Growing up my mom cultivated in me the internal bullshit meter that I naturally had. This BS meter has served me well when I listen to it and when I don’t, has guided me back like a touchstone when the consequences of ignoring it become too great. Once, when I was on the verge of 9 and my brother 19, my mother and older sister asked me what I thought of my brother’s girlfriend Pam after spending a day with her (accompanied by my little sister). Pam had done all she could to gain the favor of her boyfriend’s little brother and sister and I saw right through her. When my mom asked me what I thought of Pam, I said instinctively that she was a bitch and instead of being punished by my mom for using such a bad word, she laughed and agreed. I had succinctly encapsulated a horrible beast that would in the future near tear my family apart. (If only they had listened!)

This talent of mine has even dazzled my last Korean co-workers who were amazed that I could read a student on the first meeting. They called my gift ‘sensing’ and wondered how, with my limited Korean language abilities along with my once a week exposure to each class, I could know the true character of a student. I couldn’t quite explain. Many times people think I am quick to judge but when I am proven right are either amazed or ignore this talent until they need it. I once saw right through the husband of a popular American couple in Korea. This couple had glamoured all my friends. They thought of this couple, especially the husband, as a gold standard; cool in their near hipster affectations. I thought the husband was a slut and the wife full of shit. The husband proved just that and the wife has now renounced her smug ways by divorcing the slut husband. (I still think she is full of shit but maybe this will come to light later.) But I digress, as I am quick to do.

So I have thought long and hard about why Bernie bothers me and I have come to the conclusion that he is a condescending bully who thinks he is near perfect in his messiah complex and damns anyone who doesn’t live up to his idea of perfection; which incites his Bernie Bros, and the female equivalent, to antagonize Hillary Clinton so much so that it borders on, if not spills over, into nasty misogyny. This encapsulation is far from a hashtag and couldn’t quite be a meme. Maybe a tweet, but in Twitterland this tweet would quickly be absorbed by the constant chirps of social media.

Last night’s debate though may have helped in exposing Bernie for the bully he is. Numerously telling Hillary to be quiet, getting the white privilege problem wrong, and getting angry when his record was called into question but near leering at how flawed Secretary Clinton has been in her long history of public service. I wish he had exposed himself more for the bully he truly is, near in kin with Trump than this cool hipster chic of Vermont open-mindedness. But Santa doesn’t always give us the gifts we want.

And yes, for the record, I know Hillary herself is full of shit on a lot of topics but she wears it on her sleeves and strives to do better when she knows better. If Santa truly knew my heart, I would have gotten a Biden bid but alas that didn’t come to pass. (Unless Hillary is indicted—we can only hope.) Biden/Warren ’16