I haven't blogged in a while. But when I logged back on here I saw that most of my recent audience stats were Russian. (United States and South Korea were the top two which makes sense since I am an American who lived in the ROK for 7 years.) I have always found Russian men hot. There is something about their stoic-ness that always got me heated. Something about the way I imagined them fucking in the snow with their fur coats in a deliberate way always seemed to pucker my brown flower. Anyway. I haven't really paid much attention to Russia or it's hot men unless it is CNN and Anderson Cooper discussing Russian probing---there is a bad joke there that I am not going to do! HA!
But the gay news about Russia isn't so hot. Gay men have been vilified in Russia and Chechnya. And Killed! I don't know what to do and it hurts my heart when I read or hear about the killing and torturing of gay men and women. So to my LGBTQ readers and allies of Russia, I love you and you are not deserving of this.
Now a palate cleanser, let's celebrate the hotness of Pavel Petel. If you don't know Pavel Petel, I suggest you check him out. He is an amazing gender queer artist!
How can we help the Chechnya and Russian LGBT?