Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Marvel VS. DC: Who's supes are hotter?

Image result for hot superman guy

I've always had a soft spot for Superman even as a little gayby. I wanted to fly with Superman to his Fortress of Solitude and just hold hands and maybe kiss. (I was a kid, what did I know!)

 But now as an adult male who has done adult male things with other adult men (Anal is for everyone.) I find myself crushing on a different kind of superhero. Mark Ruffalo's portrayal as Bruce Banner is brown flower puckering. I swoon when I see that sexy nerd smile. Thor: Ragnarok was a brilliant comedy with eye candy shots of Chris Hemsworth and my eternal crush Mark Ruffalo. 

Image result for bruce banner mark ruffaloI did see Justice League this week and though not bad, I didn't find myself falling in lust with any of the characters. Which is sad because Henry Cavill is a specimen of a man but with a personality as flat as stale lube. Even Jason Momoa's Aquaman didn't stir any lusty urges, though there were some shots of Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne that caught my attention. (Maybe it was my mind wandering to that shower scene in Gone Girl.)

Oh Well, maybe next time DC.

Which Superhero do you lust after?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Was I being Flirted with or Harassed, and should I care?

Image result for weinsteinWith hundreds of thousands of blog posts being devoted to the eruption of Cosby, Weinstein, Spacey, Moore, etc., it is hard to add to the dialogue that isn't unique. 

But here I go. 

I have been the subject (not victim and that is controversial to say in itself) of groping, lewd conversations, harassment, inappropriate jokes, and more by BOTH SEXES and Orientations. By friends, strangers, and all that in-between, including close family friends and one god-parent.

In fact I had a sexual relationship with one of my professors when I was in my early twenties that began with a grope. However, I found out from a female classmate that had been propositioned by him that she was thinking of reporting him. I never disclosed my relationship with him nor did I discourage her from her inclinations. I also didn't forewarn him. I took such a neutral, indifferent stance that it still makes me wonder if I am not quite right when it comes to this topic.

But my point is, I have been the subject of unwanted sexual advancements that I ended up liking. So what does that say about me? And many times I didn't like it, and only once did I feel the need to report a time when I was sexually harassed, on a bus here in Atlanta. And even then I didn't feel like a victim. Actually I felt like a victim from the police officers who barely took my report of being flashed and then harassed, seriously. 

Here's the thing too, In the gay community we seem to hold aggressive, sexual advancements with a bit of levity that might not exist in other communities, some actually call it flirting. Not to say that is correct but it's true and prevalent. 

So what do you think about this topic? Very curious.