Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dating: Equal Opportunity Employer

So when it comes to dating I am an EOE or Equal Opportunity Employer. To me limiting yourself to a type is boring. Diversity is king. I have dated guys who were short, tall, fat, thin, older, younger, flamboyant, stoic, bland, quiet, loud, black, white, mixed, Asian, Native American, French, Korean Filipino, American, and South African. They were all tops or versatile though. And the one thing, after all this dating, I learned was told to me by one of my first boyfriends, Juan. He said just before he broke up with me that Men can be dogs and Gay Men are the worst. But that isn't the point of this post.

Anyway I question when a type becomes a fetish and a lack of a type becomes a buffet. I know some friends who only date younger. They state that the youth of their partner helps them maintain a finger on the pulse of the world. I knew one girl in my early 20's who would only date black men from Africa. Her tastes were that specific. When another friend finds a new boyfriend, the guy is sure to be White, American, Preppy. For me that gets boring.

The first time I dated I was dating two guys at once: one was white and the other Native American. I think variety is the spice of life and dating shouldn't be limited to a fetishized type but I have had people comment I will date any man with a pulse. Not true. I do have some external deal breakers that won't be discussed here. But when it comes to marriage: is it more difficult for EOE daters such as myself to find a person to walk down the aisle with and easier for those specific types to find the one to build a life with? I wonder if true monogamy can be had with types like myself.

Is Monogamy Monotony?

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