Friday, August 7, 2015

Sexual Mind Games

Playing Games

Why do we play games? I am not talking about board games or video games or online games or any of those kinds of strategy adventures. I am talking about Mind Games. The kind of bullshit you do to control the people in your life. Well there in lies the answer. We use Mind Games to control and a need to control rises mostly out of insecurity in ourselves. A sense of insecurity leads to feelings of powerlessness. We want to feel powerful in relationships: love, sex, work, and family and friends . This blog is a sexual exploration blog. A place where we can go to have a discussion about sex and how it effects and affects love and relationships and health. Which leads me to the Kings of sexual mind games: The Pick Up Artist.
Pick Up Artists (PUA) are people who use learned skills to find and attract sexual partners. The Art of Seduction. Most people have flirted in their adult sexual life. Flirted, courted, talked up, chatted, sexted. Trying to get laid is nothing new. Even birds and bees do it. So the Art of Seduction is something we have all practiced but PUA's are a different breed. They seem to view seduction as not just finding a mate but as a skill to find conquests. These guys and gals (but this community is really made up of mostly guys) are the underdogs of society; people who feel insecure about themselves and view the skills they learn from master PUA's as a means to take control of their sexual life. There are some benevolent tricks and techniques you can learn from PUA's but mostly the nerds (I am a gay nerd) who practice this art have feelings of entitlement and use these skills in negative ways.

Many view what they do as a true game. And if played well invigorate their sense of entitlement.They jumped through hoops, showed their smarts and agility, defeated Bowser and now demand the Princess. But what if the Princess doesn't want them? Or what if she shows her gratefulness in a hug, a kiss, or just a kind word? Are PUA's, or the Mario cosplay nerds, entitled to getting laid? NO! And that is the issue with Mind Games. We play them to control, to take, to feel superior but what about the victims of the games we play? Many times in the PUA community an Artist meets a Princess who opts out of playing the game. Has defeat Bowser all on her own. And then the vilification of said Princess begins because the PUA feels somehow cheated.

My point is this: Sexual mind games never end well. At best feelings get hurt and the PUA thinks one conquest should net more or worse, in some cases sexual assualt. Let's stop playing Mind Games especially sexual mind games.

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