Saturday, August 22, 2015

My Type of Hot Mess: Saint Motel

So I am waiting to see American Ultra. I usually watch movies on Saturday. While I am waiting for the movie to start I hang out at Starbucks and watch YouTube videos. YouTube has a My Mix playlist that loads videos previously watched or videos you might like. In the playlist is a video by Saint Motel called My Type. It's a catchy song and the drummer is hot. Greg Erwin plays the bartender in the video. He is the drummer.

I think he is the cutest. He also reminds me of a fling I had with South African Mark in January and February of 2014. Mark was gorgeous and a gorgeous hot mess. At best I am a 6.5. But he was a 9, his body was beginning to go pudgy from the alcohol. Mark was also younger than me and on a scale of crazy a 10.  My Bipolar 2 was cycling hard that winter and I was an easy 8. With him I reached a 10. The first night we spent together, we both hit each other while drunk. I was turned on so was he. The next morning, my headache was pounding from all the liquor but my hypomania was driving me to clean and organize on a Sunday while a hot guy laid in my bed. A hot mess who I had had disastrous sex with.

I don't necessarily have a physical type. I am an equal opportunity kinda hook up. Yet my crazy seeks a more crazy guy. BTW, my mood disorder is being managed so no hot messes in my life at the moment. A bit boring I know.

So what's your type of Crazy?

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